Project Lead and Scientific Partner

University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria
The University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria is the largest and top-ranked university of applied sciences in Austria. At the faculty of Informatics, Communications and Media in Hagenberg, it offers about 20 application-oriented Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programs to about 1500 students. Professors, research associates and students work together in research & development projects on a wide range of IT-topics.
FH-Prof. DI(FH) Dr. Mirjam Augstein
FHOÖ Studienbetriebs GmbH
Softwarepark 11, 4232 Hagenberg
T +43 (0) 50804 22623
Scientific Partner

LIFEtool gemeinnützige GmbH is a counseling and research and development organization, which is dedicated to the field of assistive technology, computer aided communication as well as learning and training software for children, adults and elderly with special needs.
DI Karl Kaser
Hafenstraße 47-51 (TECHCENTER), 4020 Linz
T +43 (0) 732 99 70 56 5203
Industrial Partner

Fronius International GmbH with headquarter in Pettenbach and other Upper Austrian sites in Wels, Thalheim, Steinhaus and Sattledt is active in the fields of welding technology, photovoltaics and battery charging technology. With its innovative products and services and more than 1.200 granted patents, Fronius is the global innovation leader.
Helmut Friedl
Günter-Fronius-Straße 1, 4600 Wels
T +43 (0) 7242 241 2490

Austrian Research Promotion Agency
The project Welding Interaction in Future Industry is funded by the Austrian Research Promotion Agency FFG within the BRIDGE1 program.